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Summer Markets Start on Mother's Day

The first of the summer markets begins with the Royal Roads University Mother's Day Paint In & Craft Fair. There's nothing that resembles summer today. The winds are blowing in from the lagoon and across the field, flapping our tent walls. The sprinkling of rain adds to the light chill in the air. Yes it's May, but it still feels like early Spring. This is the Paint In's 22nd year, and the regular participants won't let a little rain or wind stop them from venturing from one vendor to the next in search of something special. There are several moms with their little ones, walking hand in hand or pushing buggies; expectant moms as well.

This my first summer market, my first attempt at setting up a tent, my first experience at weighing down signs and product with rocks. It's a learning curve, one I'm up for. I've made great connections with some of the vendors whom I'm sure I will meet again this season. Some of the participants have popped by to say hello and recognize me from last year's Christmas markets. I'm sure I'll bump into them throughout the summer as well.

My summer market season starts today and runs right through to the first week of October. I'll be at the Highland Games, Peninsula Country Market (at both Brentwood Bay and Saanich Fairgrounds), and the Oak Bay Night Market. Drop by and say hello, and see what interesting items I'll be introducing.

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